この時期の風物詩「THE 留袖」の第6弾!今作は白杞りり、工藤れいか、加藤えま、山咲ことみとかなりプレイ内容が濃い痴女変態の着物が似合う女優作品が揃いに揃って豪華絢爛!熟女ならではのテクニックも炸裂!アナルファックまで飛び出す濃厚プレイシーンがてんこ盛りの留袖オムニバス!お見逃しなく!
The 6th edition of “THE Tomesode”, a seasonal tradition! This work is gorgeous with Riri Shirami, Reika Kudo, Ema Kato, and Kotomi Yamasaki, actresses who look good in kimonos of perverted sluts with quite a lot of play content! The techniques unique to mature women are also exploding! Tomesode omnibus full of intense play scenes that even include anal fuck! Do not miss it!